Book Your Blue Spark Bundle
with Susanna Reay

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Blue Spark Bundle£600

Sparkle Framework Starter Kit access with video feedback upgrade to be submitted for feedback within 60 days of purchase. RRP £400

An in-depth, soul searching, fire-lighting 90-minute intensive Blue Spark call with Susanna Reay to get clarity on your business messaging, offers and opportunities. RRP: £497

 7 day email or WhatsApp support after the Coaching Session. (Please provide your mobile number if you prefer WhatsApp)

Investment: £950  £600

I enrolled in Susanna's Blue Spark Session and it was awesome! She quickly was able to pick up my business and add value. She is quick to think on her feet. Doesn't give you 'canned' answers and honestly added value more than some coaches that I've paid more dollars than I care to say. I will definitely engage her again as needed. I really 'enjoyed' my time with her. She's authentic and trustworthy. Thanks A TON!!

Theresa Nordstrom
CEO Talent Co Inc
  • Total payment
  • 1xBlue Spark Bundle£600

All prices in GBP
